Détail de séance
Détail de la séance de shayadiehaai du samedi 03 octobre 2015 de 03h45 à 18h13 , à La Manche / English Channel .
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baigneuse Bravo et bonne récupération
oleum Congratulations ! You did it ! Wonderfull.
Fred06 Félicitations et chapeau bas pour cet "Everest" de la nage en eau libre !
Fred06 Il faudra que tu nous racontes un peu...
Babette.nageuse So U finally did it ! Thought U might this W.e. Great ! What about the other swimmers in the relay ?
shayadiehaai Merci beaucoup! 4 of us in the team, Penny Marie Newcombe, Daryl Cugler (Australia), Martin Warren and me - Brian from South Africa, took 12Hours 28 minutes... I started and finished to a warm wonderful French welcome at Wissant.
gemma Congrats, big big challenge, I am impressed
juana Bravo ! Quel exploit surtout avec une eau qui devait être plutôt fraîche. Double Bravo !
gemma Indeed, which was the temperature of the water ?
nageurbordeaux bravo.. c quoi ce bonnet jaue au milieu des bonnets bleus? 15°C l'eau?
shayadiehaai Aplogies, my French is awful... 4 members in my team, I had both the yellow and blue Nageurs.com cap on... water temp started at 14 degrees up to almost 15 at the end - air temp at the start was about 10 degrees.
nageurbordeaux your french is suffcient for us
congratulations.. withour any latex or rubber suits
PIRATE06 WWHAAAOUUU !!!! congratulation !!!
saigonnais Tu peux écrire en anglais. Nageur Bodeaux le traduira en breton et en langue d'oc.
shayadiehaai Okay, so am I going to see any of you at Douvre / Dover next year...?
saigonnais I only swim in the warm water of the Caribbean
shayadiehaai I've just uploaded a few more pictures...
Babette.nageuse I think I'd go for it next year, if there were more swimmers in the relay
+ need training in cold water (i'll start with my shower)
zouzou79 Shaya you makes our Babette completely crazy
Babette.nageuse Forget Zouzou ! He's just jealous that I'm (maybe and only in a relay) gonna do it, with or without him
shayadiehaai I've done a relay twice, it is definitiely worth training in the cold... I do think a team of between 4 and 6 is about right, so we have one taker on the Nageurs.com team... come on folks it is a once in age opportunity! Also you can't let all those English speakers have ALL the fun!
saigonnais Can we continue the discussion in the forum ? Shaya can create a new post in the Eau Libre.
shayadiehaai Yep, Have a look on the forum Eau Libre... La Manche is there!
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